Persuasive Writing
Every Home Should have a Dog
I love dogs and every home should have a dog
Main Reasons
Every home should have a dogs
We should have dogs so when a robber comes into your home the dogs can get the robber
Dogs are cool at tricks and they can be a friend
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Every Home Should Have a Dog
I love dogs and everyone should have a dog
Dogs are the best they can do tricks and when you get
hurt the dog can get you and take you to your house and when
You see a robber it will get the robber and the coolest thing
about dogs it can shake your hand, jump high and it can Run after a stick.
Dogs are lovely to have at home because it can help you wake up early and can also do what you tell it to do. Some dogs are not
the same but a lot are the same colors.
I love dogs because dogs are funny and they are also adorable. Some dogs have really good scenes and they can also smell yummy food.
Lovely dogs that listen are cute and cool. I love dogs because they are fast and they also are warm and cuddly. If I had one wish that would be to have one cute warm dog